Syrinx Music
Rockschool Play in a Rock Band
Rockschool Play in a Rock Band
Play in a Rock Band features 10 bespoke pieces specially written for beginner musicians (Entry level 2 to Grade 3). Each track is arranged for Guitar, Bass and Drums so musicians can get their first taste of playing in a rock band. Featuring: Full band scores: full band scores make teaching groups easy Two tracks across five grades: progress from Entry Level 2 to Grade 3 Graded parts: every part in the track is the same grade Band part booklets: individual parts for all band members Downloadable audio: use your download card for easy access to your audio Individual mixes: instrument-speci¬fic audio for individual practice Extra parts: additional keyboard and second guitar parts for six tracks Free choice pieces: perfect for use in Rockschool exams Range of styles: play rock, reggae, indie, metal and pop punk