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Syrinx Music

Joy of Music - Discoveries from the Schott Archives

Joy of Music - Discoveries from the Schott Archives

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Virtuoso and Entertaining Pieces for Flute and Piano


To mark the 250th anniversary of Schott Music, these treasures have been uncovered from the archives, reedited and presented in these beautiful editions. This anthology is aimed at intermediate to advanced flautists looking for some interesting new discoveries away from the standard repertoire. Containing works largely from the Romantic era, these are virtuoso pieces de resistance and encores, expressive character pieces, gems of salon music and elaborate arrangements of well-known melodies and themes. Many of the original compositions and arrangements were written by major instrumentalists of the 19th century. 


Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Louis Fleury (1878-1926): Adagio de la Symphonie en Ré (No. 24, Hob. I:24)Gottlieb Heinrich Köhler (1765-1833): Sonate D-Dur/D major op. 138/2

Jean-Louis Tulou (1786-1865): Air varié brilliant op. 98

Eugène Walckiers (1793-1866): Fantaisie sur des Motifs de l'Opéra “Guillaume Tell” de Rossini, op. 34

Theobald Böhm (1794-1881): Andante op. 33 (TBA 37)

Kaspar Kummer (1795-1870): Aus der Jugendzeit / De la jeunesse aus / from / de: Lyrische Klänge nach Friedrich Rückerts Gedichten / Pièces lyriques d'après des poèmes de Friedrich Rückert, op. 109/2

Xavier Boisselot (1811-1893), Jean Rémusat (1815-1880): Boléro, de l'Opéra “Ne touchez pas à la reine”

Giulio Briccialdi (1818-1881): Allegro alla Spagnuola op. 69

Anton Ortner (1823-1900) Romance, Pièce de Salon

Henry Clay Wysham (1828-1900): Chanson du soir (Nocturne) aus / from / de: Trois morceaux poétiques No. 1

Edmond Sténosse (1839-nach 1888): Fantaisie sur une chanson Napolitaine op. 3

Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937), J. Louis Taylor: Sérénade op. 6/5.

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