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Blocki - Flute Zoo Book 3

Blocki - Flute Zoo Book 3

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Flute Zoo Book 3  –  The Fun and Comprehensive Method for Learning to Play the Flute by Kathy Blocki

Flute Zoo Book 3  

By the end of Book 3, students will be rock’in!  Well literally one of the last pieces is the fun Rock’in Robin!  Besides Rock’in Robin students will have mastered notes up to the high D and be able to play pieces in 6 different key signatures. Quite an accomplishment!  Because the books are so carefully sequenced and work together with the “Flute Zoo Five-Note Fun Sticker Book”, students will find the transition to playing with key signatures easy and have an amazing understanding of key centers.

Even the rhythmically challenged student will find success with learning more advanced rhythms. Through out the book implied rhythms are presented in the simplest form.  The goal is to instill hearing the division of the beat. The rhythm cards in the back of the book can be cut out and used throughout the book. The goal is prepare them for the more advanced rhythms that they will encounter as they finish the Flute Zoo series and progress to Blocki Flute Method Book 2.

Many of the two page spreads are theme based.  The opening two pages feature Flamingo themed songs.   Care has been taken throughout the Flute Zoo series to insure calming background colors and musical staves that are big enough to easily read.   The book continues with themed pages design to inspire students to portray the the ideas through the music.  Each page is carefully sequenced to introduce new notes iand concepts so that students advance  as smoothly as possible.  Careful review is build into the book to insure mastery of the concepts.

The “Flute Zoo Five-Note Fun Sticker Book” is the essential companion book for Flute Zoo Books 2 and 3.

Students love playing many of their songs in Book 3 with their teacher or friend as duets.  The second parts to the duets are found in the “Flute Zoo Duet Book”.

The inside front cover has a blank music staff to use for note naming games.  Both the  “Teacher’s Manual”and page 2 of the student Flute Zoo Book 2 give fun ideas for these games to reinforce learning note names.

On the last page of Flute Zoo  Book 3 is a certificate of accomplishment that students can proudly display.  Many of the songs also have a second part available in the “Flute Zoo Duet Book”.   All the accompaniment tracks are available on YouTube.

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