• Catalogue

    We offer a comprehensive selection of music online, with 1000's of titles available on our website.

    We also stock a large range of theory and aural resources, giftware and accessories.

  • Excellent Service

    We are committed to providing excellent service to musician's here in Australia and worldwide.

    If you are looking for a piece of music that isn't listed on our website, we will do whatever we can to find it for you, no matter how obsure.

  • Experienced Staff

    We are a friendly, helpful team of musicians with lots of specialist knowledge.

    For advice and information, contact us.

    0433 182 651 or send us a message.

Limousine Earplugs

The Knops Smooth is a volume button for your ears. Knops is the first ever analog hearing solution, which is adjustable in multiple settings, and uses high-quality technology. But for all the technology in this product, there are no electronics. Knops neither require batteries nor an app. Indeed, you can use them always and everywhere.

Knops are made in the Netherlands.

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